• 4 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 4th, 2023


  • Jack Saint (YouTuber) did a take down vid on Shad that revealed his real nature to me. I also had previously enjoyed his historical content.

    The thing is, as another poster pointed out, once people started looking, he’s actually not historically accurate either and is barely more knowledgeable about it than your friend in the SCA who won’t shut up about long swords and katanas.

    It’s a pattern with bigots: you can’t trust their information or expertise on anything. Because either they aren’t willing to update their views with facts, or they’re willing to lie to cover up facts they do know but dislike. Neither are good qualities in any person, but especially not in historians and educators.

  • Crime goes down, means 📉

    Less prisoners, means 🕊

    Less prison profits, means 💸😱

    New crimes are invented 👮‍♂️

    And ain’t it great how prisons are paid per prisoner by the state and also get to do some slave labor, as a treat. But when the profits are low, just complain to the state that you need to be paid more and have more prisoners, it’s free money from your good friends on the senate.

  • Because the comic didn’t mention those things, which are how you actually do some democracy in the face of hostile anti-democratic forces.

    What point is the comic trying to make exactly? That voting isn’t enough. What alternatives does it suggest? Nothing. It doesn’t offer anything except a whining troll who seems to be encouraging a moralizing stance about the non-utility of voting with no alternatives. Almost like the point of this comic is to erode democratic ideas by making it seem like the only things people care about are voting and moralizing.

  • I protest, I’m in a political party, I phone bank, I donate, I march, I vote, I post and make memes, what else do people want? What’s the yellow guy doing besides whining and apparently not voting?

    If you think the revolution is starting please kindly point me to my local resistance sign up station.

    Internet leftists don’t have any real plans of action for how to systematically fight facism, no strong political voices to rally behind. They talk about a General Strike as though one will just magically form on its own without planning, discussion, leadership, support networks, and so on.

    Go touch some grass, then vote, then join people in your community and workplace who are actually organizing as a group to do something. No individual action will solve this crisis.

  • A friend was just telling me about these Tiktok dance cults where they house young people and pay them to do dance videos all day. They’re young, get to do what they want, live in a big house, and get paid well… today. You know, ask young gymnists and other sports figures how the retirement plan for young physcal performers is after your handlers have sucked every bit of money out of you there is.

    But how could you tell these kids otherwise? It’s not like sex workers (or any workers really) have infinite choices. You take what pay you can get sometimes to do what work there is. And when that work is hyper-exploitative but still better than any other offer around, what are you supposed to do? It’s be exploited and have your personality stolen to sell to other sex-starved, alienated proletarians; or starve. What a choice.