• 15 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023

  • “Willfully ignorant”…

    There’s your problem. You don’t recognize the PRIVILEGE you have, being the intelligence you are. 2/3s of IQs are between 85 and 115, one standard deviation each way. I’d say almost ALL of the people here on Lemmy have IQs in the teens. Maybe you don’t grasp the VAST CHASM between 115 and 85.

    IQs fall on a bell curve. 100 is average. It will always be average, because it’s adjusted to be average. 70 and below is intellectually disabled, and 79 and lower is borderline intellectually disabled. Not because they’re “willfully ignorant.” Because that’s the limit of their ability.

    Someone with a lower IQ isn’t REJECTING your presentations of fact and logic, or the witty sarcasm of progressive late-night hosts. They physically CAN’T UNDERSTAND THEM.

    Try teaching a special needs class and tell me about “willful ignorance”. Or just fill a classroom with failing students and teach them something political.

    Maybe you think they won’t be trying hard enough? Maybe you think they’re just lazy?

    That sounds a lot like conservatives taking about poor people.

  • I’m no conservative, but John Oliver does more to perpetuate the “smug liberal” stereotype than anyone else.

    You know what message most of conservative America has received and rejected?

    “Shut up you ignorant cow and do what I told you, because I’m obviously smarter and better informed than you are! Just listen to the facts!”

    It works really well when delivered with a British accent. Trevor Noah and John Oliver are helping polarize many potential progressive voters.

    Can we not find an intelligent Midwestern or Country progressive to bring humor and information but also IDENTIFICATION and UNDERSTANDING?

    Ah but fuck them, right? Who needs their votes, if their unable to see past world culture?

    We do. We need their votes. Don’t be a dumbass.

  • Because, believe it or not, keeping Hillary from winning is not why the Electoral College exists.

    One of the reasons the United States has been the breadbasket of the world is because our government has HAD to account for the interests of underpopulated agrarian areas that otherwise would be ignored because they wouldn’t get ELECTED otherwise. Minnesota, Nebraska, and Iowa are IMPORTANT in elections. So we take care of our farmers.

    Funny the way that works, isn’t it?

  • The “undecideds” have always determined who wins the election. UN-DECIDED.

    The fact that you and many others choose to INSULT them because they can’t “immediately see” that Biden, even if he appears troublingly in need of at-home care, is a better choice than Trump, shows how entrenched you are in “being right” over “winning.”

    How do you convince a person who has yet to reject Trump based on what they’ve heard and seen, yet isn’t sure whether they’ll pick him or Biden, to choose Biden in the voting booth?

    Yell at them and call them stupid?

  • Bernie would have forced debates and public discussion toward rationality. He would have understood not to get in the trenches with Trump - not to get caught up in trying to counter every lie.

    He had real action plans and funds and ideas that made sense/work and he was ready to put in place. We haven’t had a candidate who did that in years.

    Hell, this country can’t even make A BUDGET.