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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • I know tons of people who home school, like a ton actually. Real people and not just internet dwellers. There is a lot of variety in how people do it, some bad, some better than anything you can hope to achieve in public schools. But that isn’t my point. My point is only about brainwashing done in public schools, and how that term is relative. What we think is normal and healthy depends on what we are told. Public schools don’t have the objective truth, they just provide a consistent message and brainwash kids all in a similar manner. The term brainwashing has a negative connotation, but that’s what it is. We were all taught things and taught to see things a certain way and sometimes they are later proven wrong. I can list things I learned in public schools that aren’t correct, so was I brainwashed? Well, yeah of course. In general public schools provide a stabilizing effect and a standardized set of brainwashing, which becomes “normal” because most people have that standard set. It’s relative and arbitrary, that’s my point. Ask indigenous people or other minorities if we get brainwashed in public schools.

  • I guess it’s political in that it is an acknowledgement that Jesus is the highest authority, higher than governments on earth. I don’t think it’s saying that the king of the land (or the government) is Jesus. Most Christians view government as being subjects of God, subject to God’s authority. The government makes laws that are within its scope to do, but cannot exceed that scope. The constitution was written with this in mind, very intentionally, as a way to limit the power of government, although they used the term natural law I think, which Christians interpret as God’s authority.

    But that said, obedience to government is a duty and obligation for Christians as well.

    I’m still not really sure what your point is, so I’m kinda just spewing what I know on that general topic.