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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Yes, “them” was meant to identify my person. I know without the pokies another addiction probably would have been in its place, it’s just I can’t help but wonder how many other addictions can lose tens of thousands of dollars in a weekend bender.

    It’s horrible, but after 12 months of this I sometimes find myself thinking if suicide would have been kinder to the spouse and the rest.

    Mostly I wish the mental health route was just easier. Nearly nobody likes to talk about it since it is seen like a failing of the character, not a health issue like a virus. Don’t dare say anything at work. The GP simply says “well don’t do that then”. And friends evaporate at the mention of it. Family are often the cause of it.

  • Currently struggling with someone close and their gambling addiction. I’m too biased to have a fair opinion here, but I frankly think Japan has a better no gambling policy. Sure you can still do it, with extra steps, but fuck, gun laws fixed mass shootings, and anti-gambling laws would reduce financial suicide.

    The problem with my close relative is that the gambling problem is their coping mechanism for a bigger mental health issue, but convincing a doctor that there’s a problem is fucking hard.

    So they get upset, throw a tantrum, storm the pokies and try to end it all a spin at a time. All because 10 years ago they would do it with $200 and have a good laugh about it either way and walk out. But the inhibition is gone.

    So we’ve banned them from the pubs and clubs, but there’s always somewhere else they can go.

    Can’t get help, can’t block the financial suicide. And I’m not a relative and their family is part of the core issue so no help there.

    Anyway thanks for making it so hard Australia. Why not make it even bigger.

  • They’re their own certificate authority and they let their intermediaries expire too. It’s partially automated they just don’t monitor it. Similar to when your certbot reports it couldn’t renew because of whatever reason, maybe dns validation failure or whatever. It usually tells you like 30-60 days before expiry and there’s lots of time.

    Microsoft has both the tools and knowledge and still doesn’t get them all. Every year. One time it blocked mfa and login services. Sometimes it’s just teams. It’s like they just figured instead of staff monitoring they figure user feedback like their insider program is just cheaper.

  • They probably have been using it for years, and for the last more then a decade I’ve been using Ubuntu as my main Linux distribution since I have work to do and I’ll get to doing work faster in ubuntu than any other distribution.

    Why did I start with Ubuntu? 10+ years ago Ubuntu was lightyears ahead for community support for issues. Again, I had work to do, I wasn’t hobbyist playing “fuck windows”.

    In fact look at things like ROS where you can get going with “apt install ros-noetic-desktop” and now you can build your robotics stuff instantly. Every dependency to start and all the other tooling is there too. Sure a bunch of people would now say “use nix” but my autonomous robotics project doesn’t care I am trying to get lidar, camera, motors, and SLAM algorithms to work. I don’t want to care or think about compiling ROS for some arch distribution.

    I won’t say I don’t dabble with other distributions but if I’ve got work to do, I’m going to use the tools I already know better than the back of my hand. And at the time, when selecting these tools, Ubuntu had it answered and is stable enough to have been unchanging for basically a decade.

    Oh and if I needed to, I could pay and get support so the CEO can hear that risk is gone too (despite almost every other vendor we pay never actually resolving a issue before we find and fix it… Though I do like also being able to say “we have raised a ticket with vendor x and am waiting on a reply”).

  • From my perspective, if used for work, automatic security updates should be mandatory. Linux is damn impressive with live patch. With thousands or even tens of thousands of endpoints, it’s negligent to not patch.

    Features? Don’t care. But security updates are essential in a large organisation.

    The worst part of the Linux fan base is the users who hate forced updates, and also don’t believe in AV. Ok on your home network that’s not very risky compared to a corp network with a million student and staff personal information often with byo devices only a network segment away and APT groups targeting you because they know your reputation is worth something to ransom.

  • Glad you got it working, interesting if the slicer itself was the problem… When you’re loading a file to the printer on my elegoo I’ll be able to check the actual layer settings which is ultimately the key since that’s how long the lcd will light up and cure the resin.

    However supports and rafts are heavily influenced by the slicer so any issues there could be resolved by the slicer software.

    Otherwise your hygiene cleaning all sounds like good practice regardless both to remove variables and maintenance.

    Glad you got it sorted

  • Without Carlos driving at his peak, Ferrari will not be able to guarantee second in constructors let alone challenge for first as perez continues to contribute nada to red bull. I’d imagine they’d like to continue to be second and specifically ahead of maclaren. To do that they’ll need him to be motivated to be a driver and I don’t know much about him but if I’ve seen anything from the races, it’s that he’s motivated by personal achievements.

    Either way double Ferrari dnf from infighting entertains me greatly. :)