• 30 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • It’s on the same continent

    Just about 50% further away than America is wide…

    Like, did you think putting something in all caps meant sarcasm?

    Usually people do it to show that they’re being literal.

    Did you just not know and instead of admitting it you’re trying to say that you knew it was 3,700 miles away and intentionally said that was close?

    Pissing them off may not be a good formula. Even if they are doing shitty things.

    1. Genocide that we’re violating international law to supply munitions for is not “shitty things”

    2. Pissing them off? By telling them to stop the current genocide or not to attack another foreign government at the same time that’s allied with multiple nuclear powers?

    It’s not a black and white decision to stop helping when they have been receiving it for 50 plus years.

    Well, that’s sunk cost fallacy… And over those 50 years almost every US president has had to threaten to cut off aid to prevent it from progressing to this. It wasn’t till Biden came into office after 50 years of saying he’ll always support Israel for them to take it this far. Biden isn’t going to stop, and neither is Israel

    I’m just trying to get your pov, but I can’t follow it logically

  • parallels with Idiocracy

    Bro, life’s been like that for some people, for forever.

    A 145 IQ isn’t that crazy, like 1 in 1200 people. About the same frequency as someone transitioning.

    But an intellectual deficiency is defined as 30 points lower than frame of reference, which is normally 100.

    For someone at 145, about 84% of humanity is at least 30 points lower. And in your day to day life, you’re not gonna run into that other 16% often

    So if one of them was the reference point, like Not Sure in Idiocracy, then this is already idiocracy.

    “Ignorance is bliss” isn’t just a saying, being intelligent fucking sucks.

  • The funniest part is when they pivot to Biden not being important because staff does everything…

    Every argument for Biden being the candidate, comes down to Biden having zero power or importance as president. But also trump can do anything he wants if Biden loses.

    Like, why the fuck are we plowing ahead with 34% approval rating incumbent if he literally brings nothing to the table? And if Biden as president is powerless, the only way Trump could be so dangerous is Biden chooses not to act.

    The more people talk about Biden, the less sense he makes as a candidate to voters.

    And getting more votes (in the right states) is what matters most short term. Biden isn’t up to it.

  • A New York Times poll conducted after the debate, which was published on Wednesday, suggested Trump was now holding his biggest lead yet at six points.

    And a separate poll published by the BBC’s US partner CBS News suggested Trump has a three-point lead over Mr Biden in the crucial battleground states

    Him refusing to listen to voters is reason enough to replace him.

    But Joe can’t win without Dem voters. Every indication is he’s willing to hand trump the presidency out of spite if the party doesn’t force him out.

    He’s not fit to be president, even if we beat Trump. We’re stuck with this shit where Biden does whatever the fuck he wants, and rarely agrees with the people who put him in office.

  • If there was one at this point it would hurt the chances of the democrats winning.

    Whitmere has a smaller difference than Biden does…

    She hasn’t been running a campaign or been backed by the DNC?

    Why would she suddenly do worse with those things?

    But this is all just my opinion and not fact.

    It is your opinion, the issue is to get to it you’re ignoring facts …

    I’m not looking to get into a political debate


    You just want to proclaim your opinions and not have anyone explain why you’re wrong?

    You could just stop commenting on politics, that would help with avoiding political debates

  • Eh…

    The Tea story was England had been ignoring smuggling, then after a lot of warnings, enforced it by seizing smuggled tea and shipping it to England to be taxed.

    This meant the only tea on the market was legal tea and a very very small reserve of smuggled.

    So the smugglers dumped all the legal tea into the harbour, driving up both prices, making tea prohibitively expensive for most Americans, but maintained profits.

    It’s presented as an act of rebellion, when it was spoiled rich people di king over the commonors for money.

  • Really good article, it sucks people down it’s what they don’t want to hear.

    And I’m not just saying that because their #1 Reason is something I’ve been calling out since the pool came out:

    The basis for this claim was a post-debate Data for Progress (DFP) poll that found Biden and Harris taking 45 percent of the vote against Trump, while various other Democrats — from Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer to Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg — won no higher than 44 percent.

    DFP is a total shit show, like last election we found out the founder was betting on close elections, then using DFP to conduct polls who’s results would be used to influence results so he’d win the bet.

    He was also soliciting employees to participate in straw donor schemes.

    Even before all that, they didn’t get popular for accurate polls. They got popular by doing very fast polls that provide the narrative their donors asked for.

    The stuff DFP didn’t publicize about the poll they used to say Biden was the only shit:

    Even the Biden campaign’s own handpicked public poll suggests that he is not the Democrats’ strongest candidate. Yes, the president received 45 percent support against Trump in DFP’s survey, while other hypothetical nominees secured slightly less. And yet, in some of those theoretical head-to-heads, Trump’s share of the vote also fell; whereas the Republican led Biden 48 to 45, he led Whitmer 46 to 44. In other words, the best poll the president could find showed him losing by a larger margin than the governor of Michigan — who has yet to introduce herself to the national electorate.

    And that same poll also showed that 1) 67 percent of Americans think Biden is too old to serve as president, 2) a majority of voters are more concerned about Biden’s age than Trump’s “criminal charges and threats to democracy,” and 3) Biden has a worse net approval rating than every single other Democrat included in the survey.

    Biden and the DNC don’t want polls to know what voters think, they want polls that tell voters what to think.

  • It’s a thing.

    Things can literally be “too cute” and it shorts our brains out causing feelings of aggression towards the too cute thing.

    Like, how people talk about eating a babys toes, some people are repeating a saying, some are honestly experiencing the urge to do it because their brains are overloaded with cute.

    Like in Fight Club where Jared Leto was too pretty so Edward Norton bashed his face in.

    It’s not some maladaptive behavior or anything though, it’s just whatever thing you’re looking at is literally too cute for your brain to comprehend.