• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023


  • As a person who has a teacher in my direct family, I can tell you that it wouldn’t matter what preparation and training they are given.

    Part of the reason is that they have zero ability to control the kids in the class because if they do, the parents will basically sue the school, rip into the teacher (Because little Jimmy is just their perfect angel and can do no wrong.), and you can do nothing to any child that speaks to you like that, in any way whatsoever.

    The system is completely broken and the teachers just sit there and get abused from day to day to day. It’s been happening for years now.

    I tell you what, next time some little teenage shit tells you you’re a “fat fucking cunt of a piece of shit” (for example, to mirror the linked article’s language), and tells you day to day to your face, and there’s nothing you can do about it. Let’s just see how well prepared you are.

  • I have a work colleague that earns roughly three times my income, but is constantly crying poor and is in a lot of debt and has very little spare money. However, this person also has huge amounts of subscriptions, gets Uber Eats all the time and is purchasing luxury items that are just not required.

    There is no frugality in this person’s life at all that I’m able to see though I’m not privy to the intricate details of their finances.

    I think your point is spot on. If you’re earning even a modest amount of money for your countries standards, and you are frugal and you enjoy being frugal, but still giving yourself the things you like and enjoy, then you can probably live a quite a good life.

    Of course, there are so many variables here. This is quite a blanket statement.

    But still, with this person earning three times that I earn, I am living a very comfortable and carefree life in comparison.

  • So, unfortunately, both of my kids who are in their early 20s are heavily into vaping and they claim that they are buying these gray market nicotine vapes.

    I know what nicotine is and whatever is in these things is not nicotine.

    This is completely unregulated and there’s a chemical in there that they are claiming is nicotine that is not, and it spins your head so hard it nearly puts you on your arse.

    This is the real problem. What is inside these things, from a chemical perspective, and what are the kids breathing into their lungs?