• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • I mean, did you intend to dead name them? If not, did you correct yourself?

    Because if you did it intentionally, you’re an asshole. If you did it by mistake because you brain farted, but didn’t correct it, you’re an asshole. You did use the right names here, so I ain’t mad. But let me frame things for you.

    If you went through the effort of changing what people call you from your first name to your middle name, anyone refusing to switch would be an asshole. Doing it if you were struggling with something major related to that name would make them a giant asshole.

    IDGAF who it is, if they aren’t picking a name just to fuck with people, you fucking call them what they want to be called, period. Anything else is just douchebaggery.

    Now, when you add in that dead naming trans people can be an act of aggressive verbal attack to trans people as a whole, the person doing so isn’t just an asshole, they’re a bigoted asshole.

    Is that who you want to be? The person that fucks with people just trying their best to live a free and happy life? If that is who you want to be, I have to warn you that reddit is not the only place online you’ll end up barred from. And there are people that will treat you poorly because of being an asshole. Actions have consequences, and words can be a form of action. While I support your freedom to say what you want within the framework of general legality regarding incitement, that doesn’t mean anyone has to accept that kind of thing and let you spew nastiness.

    So, take the ban like an adult. Accept that you fucked up enough for the community, and use that in the future to really think about the subject and decide who you want to be.

  • Depends on the kind of salad!

    If you mean the leafy greens kind of salad, I’m pretty variable in that I don’t have one specific favorite, and prefer to mix things up (bad pun intended).

    Honey mustard, usually homemade if I have time and freedom to make it.

    Russian and/or Catalina are pretty nice when used sparingly, particularly if there’s egg in the salad.

    Vinaigrettes are great when I have access to antacids lol. Love the taste, but the heartburn can be a barrier.

    Caesar salads need caesar dressing.

    And, in a pinch, some lemon juice, salt, pepper and a bit of olive oil will get the job done.

    For other salads, like potato salad, I do blends as well usually. But it’s going to be blends of Duke’s, Hellman’s and miracle whip. None of them are perfect by themselves for every combination of ingredients, so it comes down to tweaking each batch until it’s right. But usually it’ll start with a 2:1 of one of the two mayo brands to miracle whip. Sometimes it’s all three in equal measures to start. Rarely it’ll be the two mayos only, or miracle whip with either small amounts or none of the others.

    That last is typically only going to be a specific egg salad that has no pickle relish, so it needs the bump of sweetness and acidity MW brings to the table that gets muddied with mayo added too.

    It’s all about creaminess, flavor balance, and the palates of who will be eating.

  • Washcloths dedicated to that use. We have different colors for bathing and bottom drying.

    Mind you, you could use the same washcloths since they all get washed before being used again anyway, but it lets guests be less confused/bothered.

    Now, I do tend to do a check with TP before going to cloth. After a while, you get used to how the stream feels when you’ve gotten everything washed away, but it’s still a good idea to check. But for actually getting dry, it’s cloth because TP just doesn’t dry things well enough to preclude the extra moisture from being a possible problem.

    We keep washcloths in the bathroom in a small cabinet beside the toilet. One shelf has the bidet cloths, and is labeled as such. There’s a small hamper for them that gets emptied daily into the regular towel hamper at the washing machine.

    Sometimes, guests that aren’t familiar with post evacuation bathing can end up leaving a bit of residue, so that hamper load gets washed the same day when we have guests. But not everyone uses it tbh. We only have maybe five regular guests, and only three of those use the bidet. Well, if the others are using it, they aren’t mentioning it and they’re drying with TP despite the little instruction manual lol.

  • Eh, for me it’s maybe twenty minutes at most, but I don’t do fights with people I care about. If things are reaching the point where voices are raised, it’s time to step back and figure out why things are going bad, then come back to the subject matter from a place of love.

    As far as how long it should take for you and your partner, it depends on how each of you handled things. There’s no single answer to it. The nastier the other person gets, the harder it is to let go, even when the issue that started the fight gets resolved. It becomes about the behavior during the fight, and that’s a separate thing to get over.

    You both would benefit from extra guidance by professional in anger management and negotiating relationships. If you’re fighting like that often enough to be asking this, neither of you has the skills needed to be healthy for each other.

  • Nah, I’m unfailingly polite until I’m not allowed to be.

    The asshole reputation comes from being willing to push hard when faced with bullshit where good manners fail. The last time I got called an asshole was about three weeks ago. Dude in front of me at the grocery store was bitching at the cashier for not moving fast enough “I’ve got to get this done, do your job”. I told him to shut the fuck up and leave the kid alone.

    Said it loud enough for the manager to hear and come over, and the situation resolved after the guy said his piece at me.

    If that’s rude, I’m okay with that.

    Yeah, I could have likely chosen other ways to intervene, but I’m too fucking old to beat around the bush. IDGAF what the guy thinks about me, so him calling me names doesn’t bother me. The kid at the register was starting to get a little teary, and I just have this complex about bullies. Seriously, it’s a thing with me that I can’t keep my mouth shut when something like that goes on.

    It’s also that I say no in an undebatable way. Most people want to say no, but they try to say it nicely, and get into a dance that is worse than being firm the first time. Like, unannounced sales attempts. I open the door, and as soon as they start their spiel, I stop them and say not to waste their time, or mine, I’m not buying anything, period. I then wish them a good day and close the door. That’s how I say no to anything I’m unwilling or unable to do. I say no, and move on. No need to explain, no need to apologize, just no.

    You’d think that would leave me without friends. To the contrary, after someone gets used to it, it ends up being something they like about me. They come to trust that me saying no isn’t anything else. I’m not mad at them, I’m not being pissy, I’m just not wasting their time with all the usual rigamarole.

    Like my wife h a s said, “you may be an asshole, but you’re my asshole.” She’s actually picked up the habit with me lol. I ask her for/to do something, she says no, and that’s it. I move on and respect her no, she trusts me to do just that. She also knows that I won’t say no to much with her lol.

    Again, it can be taken as rude, but I’m fine with that. I know who I am, the people I care about know I care about them, and that’s all that matters to me.

  • It can be when the cute is all you ever hear from anyone. The kind of adult man that gets called cute regularly here in the US (I’ve not spent any time in other countries to really say anything about elsewhere) tend to be smaller physically. Even as teenagers, it isn’t as likely for a taller, more muscled boy to be called cute.

    It’s one of those things where it isn’t too bad by itself, but in combination with other factors it becomes less fun for the person.

    Obviously, there’s no hard and fast rule, people vary too much for that. But it does bother guys often enough to be a situation I’ve run into with friends a good bit.

  • Jfc, a green text I actually relate to.

    My kid has a friend that used to have an unstable situation. No details, but it was rough enough courts got involved.

    But when they were part of a d&d group via discord, my kid mentioned me being a forever DM. So, I would end up in voice chats telling old stories to the group when the DM had obligations.

    A few weeks into this, my kid asks permission to stay up late for this other kid. I’m not known for bending health related stuff like good sleep without a damn good reason, but I made an exception and let them chat a while.

    But, my kid falls asleep, and I hear this other kid crying, and my heart fucking breaks. I pick up the tablet and ask if I can help. The kid asks me to tell them a story like I do when DM can’t play.

    So I did. Maybe fifteen minutes in, I hear snoring.

    For a while after that, the kid would ping my kid here and there and ask if I could talk. They were alone, and scared, and feeling a lot of hurt, and sometimes a voice over a device was all they could get. Which was fucking brutal on my end. I’m a well known asshole, but some things just get you. Nobody should be that lonely, you know?

    Anyway, it isn’t the same thing, but it resonates.