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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • systemd nightmare needs to end. Too many broken garbage from malicious actors within the opensource community.

    Just as an experiment, get every distro to have at least 2 or 3 SysVInit / runit / rc.init alternatives, and you will see a MASS Migration back to SysVInit. Bash/shell script init functions were really dead simple and almost unbreakable/hackerproof.

    Systemd really needs to be thrown in the garbage dumps of history so we can finally have a UNIX-like boot back.

  • If everyone was being responsible, there would be a social net, a garbage sorter job, a garbage recycler employer, an ethical reasonable salary, and it would be a safe governed work environment, it would give dignity back to the downtrodden. People would reject corruption.

    Garbage dumps get set on fire, the fumes are toxic, medical waste gets thrown out and mixed in, people who are living on garbage dumps are in HELL. NO ONE SHOULD LIVE ON GARBAGE DUMPS!

    Set up NGOs and involve government orgs to regulate and oversee care and attention for these people.

    These things cannot happen in India because the indian population will not care. FUXK YOu GOT MINE is a typical indian mindset.

  • I live in India. I have 3 sorting bins. 1 composting organic waste bin, 1 non-recyclable plastics/glass bin, 1 recyclable plastics/metal/paper bin.

    I spent 3000 INR buying the composting organic bin ( to support the local business selling it and reusables about 1000 INR per year )

    I get back about 200 INR every 6months for going to local recyclers with roughly 2 to 5 kilos of metal + plastics.

    About 2 kilos of waste not-recycled every month total ( 2 people ) .


    Im sad my fellow humans do not understand what responsibility is like.

  • maniii@lemmy.worldto> Greentext@lemmy.mlAnon dislikes reddit
    10 days ago

    Also even when some are trolling, the up/down vote will not gain/lose attention for the troll. Trolls love attention.

    The lack of karma means participation is there not whether it is a troll or regular.

    Unless it is spam, almost no one is punished/rewarded for participating.

  • maniii@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldfin
    11 days ago

    Unless you spent 1000s of dollars buying saucers and hammers and lollipops or something garbage that lets you finish without actually playing.

    I hate these “gatcha” gaming nonsense where you pay-to-win.

  • Not-an-American, but what I heard was that BOTH DNC and RNC do not choose the more “popular” candidate. The parties choose the candidate that their “donors” actually want. In RNC I think they straight-up just rig the process and push their choice.

    But in the case of the DNC I believe the DNC “promises” to choose the candidate that is the most popular. BUT DNC “donors” have what is known as “super-delegates” or some bullshit ( Extra Votes for Money ? ) Soooooo Hillary went around ALL the states “buying” up all the super-delegate votes… so in-effect Bernie lost even before the voting had even started! And on top of all that I think that so many candidates ran at the same time that it split most of Bernies votes down the middle which might have been the strategy engineered by DWS and the DNC.

    Those are not the only problems with the DNC… I believe that Hillary and DWS and DNC ran political ads PROMOTING Drumpf because he would be “easier” for Hillary to beat. So effectively the DNC and Hillary were campaigning for Drumpf! !!!

    I think 'Murica has a lot more serious problems and a lot more roadblocks but breaking the fundamentals of democracy by rigging votes and installing puppets seems almost comical and farcical if it wasnt so damaging and dangerous.