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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 21st, 2023


  • I’ll try the plastic idea; thanks.

    Though it still doesn’t solve the issue of her refusing to scratch a designated post. She’ll just find something else. I’ve thought about buying a cheap yoga mat, cutting off a bit and taping it to the floor, cause she seems to enjoy scratching those too when we’re working out and step away for a break.

  • What do you do when the cat refuses to use scratching posts? No matter the material—cardboard, carpet, rope—she will only scratch the furniture and folded towels. (We even tried wrapping a scratching post in towel material and she still won’t scratch it.)

    Obviously we don’t want her destroying the furniture, so we let her scratch long enough to shorten her nails… wat do?

  • No that’s bullshit. I had the same type of parents and as a result I never had any privacy to myself, ever.

    Spend more than an hour in my room? They’re knocking on the door, wondering what I’m “up to”. “Why are you on the computer all day?” “You better not be looking at porn!” “Why are you reading that Wikipedia article?” “You can’t play StarCraft; it has the word ‘craft’ in it, which means witchcraft”. One time my dad even printed out my browser history and read it during family dinner.

    To this day I still have a mild anxiety attack every time I hear someone say something that sounds even remotely like my name in public, and I’m 34.

    Trust me, you don’t want to be raised by helicopter parents. It traumatizes you for life. I know I’m not explaining this adequately enough for someone who didn’t grow up this way to understand just how bad it is to never have any privacy or time to yourself, especially when you’re an introvert like me. I don’t think I ever can explain it, so you’ll have to just trust me when I say I’m still fucked up over being raised by parents who care too much.

  • I used to think this too until I got a proper NVME (instead of another SATA SSD). Once you get used to programs opening instantly—and no loading screens in games, ever—there’s no going back to spinning disks. Waiting 10-20 seconds for a program to open on a HDD feels like an eternity now.

    Edit: formatting, spelling

  • Dude’s talking out their ass.

    And just to clarify, I was taking about the 2023 version of Spider-Man 2 on PS5, not the 2002 version on GameCube. The official PC port is that game doesn’t come out for another year, or you could just play the unofficial port now.

    And FWIW hardware limitations weren’t a thing in 2002, either. Graphics cards existed then. So again, dude’s talking out of their ass.